Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between association dues and the maintenance fee?
No difference. We often refer to association dues as a “maintenance fee” because a large percentage of your annual payment to the association goes towards maintaining the neighborhood common areas.
How do you protect the privacy and security of my personal and financial information?
Click on the Privacy link in the footer to learn about our privacy and security policy.
I can't open some of the files. What do I do?
Some of the files on this website are in PDF format, which requires Adobe Reader.
Why is my message rejected when I try to send a group email?
If you have several email addresses, you can only send group email using the email address that we have on record for you. If you need to change your email address, please contact us using the email icon in the footer.
I’m no longer receiving group email messages. What happened?
Group email messages are sent to the email address that we have on record for you. If you have changed your email address, please contact us using the email icon in the footer. The group email service is only available to current members of the association. If you aren’t a member and would like to join or renew your membership, click the Membership link in the footer.
Can you add another email address for my household?
If you would like to add another email address, please contact us using the email icon in the footer.
What should I do if I have changed my email address?
Please contact us using the email icon in the footer as soon as possible so that you can continue receiving group emails.
Why doesn’t the email icon in the footer work?
If you use webmail, for example Gmail, and you are working from a laptop or desktop computer, the email icon in the footer may not work. The alternative is to login to your webmail service and send your message to: (substitute “@” for “AT”).
How do I notify everyone if there is an emergency and/or dangerous situation in the neighborhood?
First call 911. Then send an email message to and all other members will receive your message.
When I receive an email from the group email system, is it okay to REPLY ALL?
Most replies to group messages will only to apply to the sender, in which case other members will not need or want to see the reply. For this reason, the default is to reply only to the sender. However, if you feel that the whole group needs to see your reply, please click the Reply All button in your email program. Keep in mind that we have specific guidelines about using Reply All. See the Group Email Etiquette section on this page.
Are there any restrictions on the types of emails I can send via the group email system?
Yes, look here.
Don't see your question on this page?
Email us using the email icon in the footer.