Group Email Instructions and Policies
Group email is one of the most helpful benefits that you get as a member of the association whether you’re sending a message about your lost dog, someone else’s dog you found, exercise equipment for sale, or advice about a good roofer. But this service is only available to current members!
If you are a member, you don't need to do anything to receive emails from the neighborhood email system! You are already set up to receive emails from the board and other members.
To send a message to all members, create a new message in your email program just as you would for any other email. In the TO box, type in the following email address:
For your convenience, please add this address to your email address book.
Please be considerate of your neighbors when you use group email. Be sure to follow the policies and group email etiquette guidelines below. Keep it friendly!
Problems and Questions
If you are having a problem with group email or if you have a question that is not answered on this page or the FAQ page, please contact us using the email icon in the footer.
NOTE: If you have several email addresses, you can only send group email using the email address that we have on record for you. If you need to change your email address, please contact us using the email icon in the footer.
You can use the main email group to send messages to your neighbors about:
Burglaries, vandalism, and suspicious activities
Lost or found pets
Stray animals
Services needed
Recommended home repair and lawn services
Items you are giving away
For-sale notices
Neighborhood meetings, get-togethers and parties, including those that involve selling or soliciting
Advertising for personal businesses and services
Solicitations for non-profits
Similar messages
Use care when emailing personal information to the group, particularly sensitive information such as social security numbers and financial information.
The neighborhood email system is not to be used for statements for or against social, religious, or political causes; illegal, defamatory, offensive, obscene, profane, or discourteous messages; ads for a for-profit business you don’t own; chain emails; spam; funny or heartwarming stories; videos; unsolicited advice; possible urban legends; or other types of email that many members may prefer not to receive. Repeated violation of this policy may cause the violator to be removed from our group email list.
Group Email Etiquette
Good group email etiquette will help us all communicate better. Be considerate of your neighbors. They will appreciate it!
Whether you are initiating an email or replying to an email, please think it through before sending a group message that will land in every association member's inbox (we now have over 200 people on group email). Think about who needs to read your message. Would it be helpful for all of your neighbors (at least the majority of them) to be able to read your message? Or would it be more appropriate for your message to go only to the board members, the president, or some other individual in the neighborhood?
If you send a private message to the entire membership, you'll just be creating annoying clutter in everyone's inbox. We've even had some members unsubscribe from group email because they are seeing too many unnecessary group email messages.
Please don't initiate an email to the entire neighborhood when:
You are trying to contact the president of the association or a board member. (Instead use the email icon in the footer or refer to the back of your neighborhood directory.)
You are trying to contact an individual in the neighborhood. (Instead contact the person directly—refer to your neighborhood directory.)
Please don't Reply All when:
Only the email sender needs to know your reply.
You are responding to an RSVP.
You are thanking the sender. A public "thank you" might seem like a good idea until you think about how much email clutter would be created if just 10 people publicly thanked the sender. Instead send a private thank you.
You are engaging in a conversation with the sender.
Your message is simple, like "Thanks!" or "Me too" or "I agree" or "No, I don't" or "That's awful!".
Your message is a chatty or humorous comment.
You are constructively criticizing the sender.
We aren't discouraging all Reply All's. We obviously want members to use Reply All when they have information that would be helpful to other neighbors.